NBLB Films Index

No Budget Low Budget Films


Financial Support

Funding is currently being sought to support this new social enterprise.


Steering Group

We have a small Steering Group and welcome people who would like to help support the development of the project.


Local Groups

We now have a Local Co-ordinator in Glasgow and a small group developing in Fife. Could you help develop things in your area?


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Creating a viable Nano/Micro Budget Film Sector


NBLB Films seeks to create a new way for new filmmaking talent in Scotland to undertake more ambitious projects that can showcase new and emerging talent and create future funding for future projects.


To achieve this there are 6 key strands that we seek to develop to create a sustainable nano & micro budget film sector in Scotland. These are the Community Cinema Network, the development of a sustainable audience, our Directory of film talent, a summer long film festival to showcase some of the hundreds of students films made during the year, the production of properly funded quality original intelligent feature length films and a sustainable purpose designed studio where films can be made and a sustainable base created..


Community Cinema Network (CCN) and Audience Development


The "Community Cinema Network" model involves film makers in local areas across Scotland connecting with the local venues so that independent films can be seen and generate income to the film makers, growing the network over time across Scotland and beyond so that opportunities to generate viable income from existing films and the scope to have more realistic budgets for future films can grow, too.


The aim is to identify 20 to 30 venues (independent cinema's, conference centres, film societies, etc) to create a group of "Cinema's" that can show the same independent film (with 2 or 3 short films of a similar nature and a level of advertising) on the same night, with a new film shown every month initially, with a view to having this different cinema experience every 2 weeks - tapping into an audience looking for more story and less hype. The costs would be less than the current cinema experience and the style would be very different.


Having established the model in Scotland we already have film makers in London, Dublin, Canada, parts of the USA and South Africa keen to replicate this approach, with others connecting from around the UK and other parts of the world. In addition, connections in mainland Europe and Asia offer a wide distribution of quality Scottish films and access to quality films from abroad.

Student Summer Film Festival Project


The aim is to harness the Community Cinema Network and engage with more established independent cinema chains to deliver a showcase event across Scotland, launched at the end of the Edinburgh International Film Festival (end of June), with the finalists shown during the first week of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe - linking two of Scotland's most significant arts events with a summer of diverse quality film that can offer real exposure for young film makers as they come out of college and university.


We hope to hold for this the first time in the summer of 2016. Over time we would aim to have established a core Community Cinema Network in Scotland, key CC networks developing in other parts of the UK and abroad, as well as the scope to support our first in-house funded feature length films - being part of this could be part of the outcome of the festival for the winners.




Enjoy a wee sketch or two from the NBLB Films team.


















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