
No Budget Low Budget Films


Financial Support

Funding is currently being sought to support this new social enterprise.



Enjoy our wee recent sketches


Steering Group

We have a small Steering Group and welcome people who would like to help support the development of the project.


Local Groups

We now have a Local Co-ordinator in Glasgow and a small group developing in Fife. Could you help develop things in your area?


Join us on Facebook and Twitter


Film Making Projects


Fundamental to this plan is the ability to produce quality Scottish feature length films that are sustainable and offers scope for people to become full time film makers. Film makers elsewhere in the UK and outwith the UK are watching what we are doing with a view to replicating what works, creating positive linkages for the future and scope for film makers across the UK.


Who will make the films?

The key is to bring student and low budget filmmakers together to pool talent, ideas and resources at a point where creative enthusiasm has been awakened. Ambitious filmmaking will include pilot show reels for submission to commissioning people in mainstream television to feature length films.


Who will see the films?

Each film will be submitted to festivals in the normal way but will also be shown in independent cinemas, theatres and community venues with a view to generating income - the Community Cinema Network.


What about the income?

Assuming that 40,000 people in Scotland see a film at £3 a head (net return) and 20,000 people in each equivalent regions of England, Wales and Ireland (North and South), an income of around £700,000 can be generated.


Similar venues in Spain, France, the USA, Canada, South Africa & Poland, in particular, could boost this figure, along with DVD sales and possible merchandising, and should make it possible to generate around £1M (net) in income per film to the film maker & NBLB Films.


Future Film & Development Fund?

Of this money, around £100K will be set aside for future films - potentially initially funding 2 films a year - and the purchase of key items of equipment. Future films will work on a similar basis, developing a store of quality equipment and expanding the scope of film making in Scotland.


There are limited places for less experienced filmmakers to find small pockets of money for filmmaking so there is a gap in the market and the Future Film & Development Fund could release many good filmmakers over the coming years to produce ambitious projects.


How will people earn from this?

The remaining funds will be split amongst investors and those who made the film on a share basis - those more involvement and having greater responsibility within the film gain a higher share value. Therefore, all cast, crew and supporting roles work on the basis that they may earn nothing but all have a stake in the promotion of the film, thus there is no ongoing liability as each film will operate within their own budget.


How will the films be marketed?

Trailers on Youtube, a NBLB website, Facebook page, Twitter, networking, local radio/newspapers (with ticket give aways, etc), local film clubs and so on will form the basis of a broad marketing strategy - seeking to create a following of people looking for new, creative and fresh filmmaking.


Linking with local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and Town Centre Managers will add to the marketing scope, harnessing local business engagement and advertising to everyone's advantage.


Equally, more traditional posters, advertising (where possible) and other marketing tools can be employed to promote films and venues.


And the DVD?

We can currently create subtitles in 12 different languages (including Japanese), include a short 15 minute documentary and showcase material of key players on each DVD or download - providing value for a unique product. Merchandising may also be added as NBLB attracts supporters.